Hemp as Medicine – Hemp oil cures severe seizures in 2 year old girl

Yet another miracle story hits the news, showing the amazing benefits of Hemp as Medicine. A family in Texas had more to celebrate than the second birthday of their baby girl. The Bailey-Crouch family celebrated the fact that their daughter, Zaraiah, had her first...

Hemp as Medicine – CBD oil is not just for people, but pets, too!

The use of Hemp as Medicine is becoming more common all the time, and it’s not just used to treat people. Pet owners have found that CBD oil can help their pets, too. Pet owner Roxy Ellis, from B.C., has a chihuahua, Bitsy, with several health issues, including a...

Hemp as Medicine – A Dallas mother and child create a CBD legacy

The story of Penny Howard and her daughter is a heartwarming tale about their advocacy of Hemp as Medicine, and the impact it had on their life and others. Dallas mother, Penny Howard, lost her daughter at age 5 to CDKL5 epilepsy, a very rare disorder. Her daughter,...

Hemp as Medicine – Man loses job over CBD oil

John Dress, a Tennessee aircraft technician, found that what can be good for you can also have its pitfalls – using Hemp as Medicine certainly did. After a trip to the optometrist, Dress found that he had a cancer that very few know about, ocular melanoma. This...