From medicine to animal feed, the many Uses of Hemp have secured a seat for the new crop in America’s Midwest.

Uses of Hemp

The Midwest has dominated corn production in the U.S. since the 1850s. Soybeans have been a strong second. Other crops have been grown in the area, but few have stayed for good. Industrial hemp is one of the newest crops and it’s not just a fleeting trend.

With the recent legalization of industrial hemp, the crop surpassed nearly five decades of unfortunate misalignment with its controversial cannabis cousin. In addition, hemp was hindered by the advancement of synthetic materials. But hemp has made a strong comeback since the laws changed to allow for its cultivation, and is fast becoming a mainstream crop.

Hemp is a versatile crop with thousands of uses, making it an attractive crop to grow. The stalks can be used to produce fibre, the flowers have medicinal properties, and its seeds are highly nutritious. Hemp can also be used as grain for livestock.

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