In 2018, the U.S. Farm Bill legalized hemp production, creating an awareness of the many Uses of Hemp, from industrial to environmental.

Uses of Hemp

There are literally thousands of uses of hemp, and it is commonly referred to as the miracle plant for good reason. Many believe that hemp can save the planet. Hemp can absorb high levels of carbon dioxide and remediate toxic and polluted soil, and it can be used as a biofuel and a sustainable alternative to many harmful products.

Hemp has many health benefits, from nutritional foods to medicinal CBD products. Hemp seeds are a balanced source of Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are important for immune system function, blood pressure regulation, and brain development. These tiny tasty seeds are also high in fibre, magnesium and other nutrients. Hemp seeds are processed into oil and milk products, but can also be eaten in their raw form, often sprinkled on cereal or salad or blended into a smoothie.

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