There are two cannabis crops, and the story of Hemp vs. Marijuana continues as people discover that the hemp crop is just as lucrative as its illicit cousin.

Hemp vs. Marijuana

In Maryland’s Carroll County, a greenhouse flower grower, Tyler Van Wingerden, is trying something new. Amongst his many flower plants, grown for Mother’s Day bouquets and other holidays, are two acres of cannabis.

“These are probably smaller than you would picture,” Tyler Van Wingerden said, showing the corner in which he has the crop. There are rows of the plant that look exactly the same as it’s illegal cousin. It has the same buds, leaves and characteristics of marijuana, but with one major difference. The THC in this plant is less than 0.3%, which distinguishes it as industrial hemp.

The other thing about hemp plants, and why they look so much like marijuana, is that they are grown specifically for their oil content. This makes the hemp crop a very profitable use of the space.

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