Hemp is making a strong comeback and has much to offer, such as clothing, paper, building materials and, especially, Hemp Nutrition products.

Hemp Nutrition

Hemp was once a popular crop in the U.S., but in 2013 there was no sign of it in American farmer’s fields. Now, just two years since the 2018 Farm Bill was introduced, there are approximately 150,000 acres of hemp growing in the U.S.

Hemp is a multi-purpose crop. Its uses range from clothing and handbags to building materials and carpeting. One of the most valuable uses of hemp is in foods, such as hemp seed hearts, hemp oil and hemp protein powder.

Hemp seeds have been termed “super seeds” by health specialists. They are high in protein, and they contain a balanced source of the essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp seed hearts also provide other phytonutrients, including phytosterols and carotenes, as well as vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.

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