The seeds of Cannabis Sativa are loaded with Hemp Nutrition and health benefits. These tasty seeds need to be a part of your daily diet.

Hemp Nutrition

Although hemp seeds come from the Cannabis Sativa plant, these seeds do not have psychoactive properties. They are brimming with healthy fatty acids, fibre, protein, and many essential nutrients. Hemp seeds have a nutty, buttery taste that add great flavour to every meal.

Hemp seeds can benefit your overall health, and they are particularly helpful with regards to the heart. Hemp seeds contain amino acids which improve blood vessel function, lowering blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Hemp Nutrition includes a balanced source of Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids. These help boost the immune system and are important for brain development and blood pressure regulation.

As stated by Canada Hemp Foods, “Hemp seed hearts are considered by leading researchers to be one of the most nutritious super foods on the planet – packed with protein, vitamin E, Omega-3, SDA and GLA.”

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