A new course at the University of Illinois has Hemp in the News. The course will educate students on the growing and production of hemp.

Hemp in the News

Dr. D. K. Lee will be teaching the online course, and says it is available to anyone wanting to learn more about this new versatile crop.

Whether growing hemp indoors or outdoors, on big or small farms, students will receive information about the biology of cannabis and how to establish good agricultural practices that will improve the growth, development, and yield of the crop.

Hemp production was made illegal in the U.S. in 1970. In 2018, with the introduction of the Farm Bill, hemp was removed from the list of controlled substances and it became an ordinary agricultural commodity once again. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been advocating for the growing of hemp and the industry as a whole.

Dr. D. K. Lee hopes Illinois farmers will begin to incorporate hemp into their crop rotation.

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