In Danville, Kentucky, Hemp History is being put on the map, quite literally, in the same style as the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.
Daniel Isentein of Lexington, Kentucky, is putting together a self-guided tour that will take participants on a route that traces the history of hemp. Isentein is creating a brochure and map for the tour. In the past five years, the Kentucky Bourbon Trail has had 3.5 million visitors, so Isentein hopes his Hemp Highway of Kentucky tour will attract a crowd as well.
The points of interest on the tour can be found on historical markers. For example, marker No. 1279 which marks the “First Crop” in Kentucky at Clark’s Run Creek, back in 1775. It was cultivated by Archibald McNeil, who was also the first to bring hemp seed to Boyle County.
Click here to read more.
Thank you for picking up this story….The story in question, Archibald McNeil’s hemp crop on Clark’s Run Creek is all included in the “First Crop” marker at the Boyle County Courthouse in Danville. The story makes it sound like there are 2 markers, but this is the same event. Dan Isenstein, founder
Great to hear from you, Dan, and thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have edited the last paragraph, and hope it is now correct. Let me know. Thanks again. ~ Helena, blogger for Canada Hemp Foods.