Perhaps you’re already familiar with some of the Hemp Health Benefits hemp has to offer, but have you heard about using hemp oil as a facial cleanser and moisturizer? Linda Dieschbourg of Orla Collective, an online magazine based in Luxembourg, Germany, shares her story about discovering the benefits of oil cleansing.

Hemp Health Benefits - US_Oil_org

According to Dieschbourg it’s the ultimate skincare regimen. It’s natural, holistic, and non-toxic, and it only requires one product. After trying several different skincare products and prescriptions to battle her adult acne condition, Dieschbourg finally learned about oil cleansing.

Oil cleansing is a simple daily routine that rids the pores of dirt and bacteria, and nourishes the skin. Although you can use any high quality plant-based oil, the Dieschbourg recommends hemp seed oil, because of its many benefits – it contains antioxidents, vitamin E, vitamin A, and omega-6. All extremely healthy ingredients!

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