The beauty industry is introducing more and more products that offer Hemp Health Benefits for healthy skin without the use of harsh chemicals. From collagen regeneration to enhanced skin tone and resilience, what’s not to love?

Hemp Health Benefits

There are always new beauty products being launched and no end to the advertising ploys used to entice consumers but now, for something completely different, cannabis beauty products are starting hit the market. Cannabis-based products, such as lotions, perfumes and face masks, are growing in popularity because of their many health benefits.

The cannabis used in the products comes from hemp seed oil, which is extracted from the cannabis plant. Being a non-comedogenic, hemp seed oil moisturizes the pores, it doesn’t block them like some products might do. The vitamin E in hemp seed oil helps restore healthy skin, and its vitamin C content improves skin tone and resilience. In addition, hemp contains vitamin B, the nutrient that helps skin stay firm. Hemp also stimulates collagen production to reduce wrinkles and provide moisture.

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