With the growing popularity of CBD oil, you’ve likely heard about Hemp as Medicine, but that’s not all hemp is good for. There are thousands of other uses.

Cannabidiol or CBD oil, is fast becoming a common remedy for the treatment of anxiety, chronic pain, cancer, and epilepsy. There are also nutritional benefits of hemp, and thousands of industrial uses, from clothing to biofuels and building materials.

Hemp as Medicine

In Illinois, the Department of Agriculture has opened its application season for hemp growing licences. The hemp industry has certainly felt a slump due to the pandemic. Rachel Berry, founder and CEO of the Illinois Hemp Growers Association, said a delay in seed delivery slowed down the growing season. On her family farm, they were late getting seeds into the ground because of the delivery delay.

Berry said there hasn’t been a lot of interest in hemp farming lately, possibly due to events being cancelled. The hemp industry relies on people meeting in person, having educational events and the sharing of information. The pandemic brought all this to a standstill.

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