The Benefits of Hemp are simply endless. It’s easy to grow, environmentally friendly, and it could help the UK reach its net zero target.

Benefits of Hemp

Hemp is a sustainable crop that is fast-growing, absorbs more carbon than any forest, replenishes soil, and it can be used to make rope, highly nutritious foods, vehicle dashboards and building materials, to name a few. There are literally thousands of products that can be made from hemp.

Hemp is a member of the cannabis family and, prior to the industrial revolution, was an ordinary crop in the UK. But that all changed when hemp became misaligned with its more infamous cannabis cousin, marijuana, and laws were put in place to put an end to its use and cultivation.

Plant-based diets are on the rise, countries are seeking solutions for carbon capture, and several industries are looking for sustainable alternatives. This is where hemp comes in.

The Cop26 conference is bringing awareness to industrial hemp and its carbon sequestering abilities. Hemp absorbs more carbon than it takes to produce, and it absorbs four times the amount of CO2 that trees do. Hemp is a champion crop for climate change solutions, and could help the UK win the race to net zero.

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