Ryan Loflin of Colorado, brings Hemp in the News this week. He first started harvesting hemp in 2013, making him the first farmer to grow hemp in almost six decades.

Hemp in the News swathed-hemp-slider

At the Four States Ag Expo in Montezuma County last weekend, Loflin provided informative answers to the hemp-related questions of the audience. “Have you sold your crop?” and “What kind of equipment is needed?” are examples of the types of questions asked.

Loflin sells his hemp stalks to an Oklahoma company that is making a new foam insulation product out of the woody fibres. He has also sold his hemp stalks to a paper manufacturer.

Ultimately, Loflin would like to see federal legalization of industrial hemp farming in the U.S., and encourages the general public to speak up to their legislators to help make this happen. As the world’s biggest consumer of hemp products, it would only make sense for the U.S. to be able to grow their own industrial hemp.

Click here to read the full story.