Uses of Hemp – India reconnects with its hemp history and cultivation

When the whole plant is harvested and processed, there are over 25,000 Uses of Hemp, and it’s known to be a very profitable crop to boot. Hemp has become more accepted as an agricultural crop worldwide, and is shedding its association with its controversial cousin,...

Uses of Hemp – Turkey to revitalize its once-thriving crop

Turkey wants to cash in on the many Uses of Hemp by ramping up its hemp production. Industrial hemp was once a thriving crop in Turkey. It has diminished significantly, but lawmakers are looking to revitalize the industry. They recognize the many uses of hemp, from...

Uses of Hemp – The U.S. takes the final step to legalize hemp

The Uses of Hemp are endless, from food and body care products to clothing and textiles and everything in between. After a ban that lasted several decades, the U.S. has legalized hemp, bringing the crop back into the mainstream. The hemp industry’s financial...

Uses of Hemp – Benefits of cannabis far beyond smoking

There are countless Uses of Hemp, none of which include the recreational use that is so commonly associated with marijuana. Hemp and marijuana both stem from the cannabis sativa plant, but they are different species. While marijuana is mostly grown for its high THC...