Hemp Politics – New policy could harm Kentucky hemp industry

In Hemp Politics a suggested policy could harm Kentucky’s developing hemp industry. The policy has been put forth by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack and other federal authorities. The future of industrial hemp in the U.S. is an ongoing political...

Hemp in the News – Virginia’s first hemp crops

The state of Virgina puts Hemp in the News with the first hemp crops coming to fruition. It was a late growing season for the Virginia’s first plots of industrial hemp in years. The first hemp seeds were planted after the summer solstice, on June 28. Despite...

Hemp in the News – ‘Women Grow’ activists in the Kootenays

Nelson, B.C. was the location for Hemp in the News this week, as a group of cannabis activists gathered for an evening in Nelson’s Hume Hotel last Thursday, to launch the ‘Women Grow’ Kootenay chapter. Women Grow is a group of individuals with the...

Hemp in the News – Growing hemp in Fargo

A company in Fargo, North Dakota, brings Hemp in the News with their prospect of building a greenhouse and growing industrial hemp. Hemp is an ancient crop. In China hemp was used to make clothing as far back as the 28th Century B.C. Local artists in Fargo are hoping...

Uses of Hemp – The facts about Henry Ford’s hemp car

The legalization of marijuana is a growing interest for advocates, but they’re also interested in the benefits of industrial hemp. There are an estimated 25,000 Uses of Hemp. Among them are fuel, food, fabric and plastics. Hemp cultivation was once a thriving...

Hemp vs. Marijuana – Environmental benefits of hemp

Many lawmakers in the U.S. are looking to legalize marijuana, but what about industrial hemp? Although hemp is slowly being recognized across the states as a viable and beneficial plant, it remains illegal in most states. When we compare Hemp vs. Marijuana the major...

Hemp in the News – Australian co-op supports hemp

An Australian workers co-op puts Hemp in the News. Earthworker Co-operative wants to start a hemp clothing business for construction workers and emergency services. Earthworker supports sustainable, clean energy job solutions in local communities. The goal of the hemp...

Uses of Hemp – NY waking up to hemp industry

New York is starting to recognize the value and Uses of Hemp. There is still a ways to go, though, due to concern over its relationship to marijuana. Industrial hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that gives the high. But...