With only sixteen prefabricated hempcrete panels, a newly-built house demonstrates one of the many Uses of Hemp.

Uses of Hemp

In Franklinville, North Carolina, Marty Clemons gathers with neighbours to watch and celebrate the instalment of the final panel on her tiny house. The event even drew spectators all the way from Chicago.

Although many hemp houses have been built across the U.S., Clemons’ house is the first one to be constructed using hempcrete panels. The panels were built by Illinois company, American Lime Technology.

A small group of company representatives were on site, including the owner of American Lime Technology, Mario Machnicki, who talked about the benefit of building with hempcrete panels. When creating hempcrete blocks on site, it can take many months for the mixture to dry, whereas prefabricated panels are ready for installation at any time.

Hempcrete has several redeeming features, from being energy-efficient and toxin-free, to durable and sustainable.

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