As Pennsylvania looks to its second year of growing hemp, farmers want to know the answers to questions about Hemp vs. Marijuana, amongst other things.

Hemp vs. Marijuana

The state’s Department of Agriculture is extending the area of industrial hemp, making way for more farming, researching, and business opportunities.

State approval is still required for hemp cultivation, and with the application deadline coming up, there’s a lot of information that farmers are interested in learning more about.

Probably the biggest question is about hemp vs. marijuana. They are both species of the cannabis sativa plant. However, they differ greatly in their tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels. Marijuana contains an average 10 percent THC, whereas hemp contains no more than 0.3 percent, so hemp can’t get you high. Even so, hemp is still lumped in with marijuana as a drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

The other big difference is that hemp has over 25,000 uses, from beauty products and clothing to car parts and construction material.

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