A hemp operation in Nova Scotia, Canada, sheds some light on the topic of Hemp vs. Marijuana. When you see a field of hemp, it can easily be mistaken for marijuana because they look like the same plant, and in some ways they are. But unlike marijuana, hemp contains very small amounts of THC, the psychoactive component that gets you high. And compared to marijuana, hemp is legal and is not a plant you want to try smoking, but it has many other uses, like food, cosmetics and textiles.

Hemp vs. Marijuan - hemp_farm_2_blur

Northumberland Hemp, owned and operated by Bradley Jardine and Doug MacEarchern, grows 150 acres of industrial hemp in Nova Scotia, primarily in the Pictou County region. From their hemp crop they process and sell hemp seed oil, flour and protein powder.

Jardine and MacEarchern hope to grow their business enough so that they can hire other farms to grow hemp for them. They would like to see a thriving hemp industry in northern Nova Scotia some day, creating jobs and crops for empty, unused land.

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