A decision by the Australian government to back a Greens party Hemp Bill has put Hemp in the News. The bill will make industrial hemp legal in South Australia.

The new hemp laws will make it legal to cultivate industrial hemp for the production of such products as cosmetics, clothing, textiles and building materials.

Hemp in the News

Industrial Hemp Bill 2016 was first presented to Parliament by Greens MLC Tammy Franks. Some amendments will be made to the Bill, by Manufacturing and Innovation Minister Kyam Maher.

The new bill will eliminate the legal obstacles that have blocked hemp farming up until now, thus opening up new possibilities and opportunities for growers and manufacturers to investigate industrial hemp’s potential.

Maher commented that farmers will now have the option of growing hemp in South Australia, and can obtain a license to grow it. Manufacturers will be able to explore a new range of hemp-based products, such as textiles, construction materials and cosmetics.

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