CBD oil is the latest trend in hemp, but Hemp History goes back thousands of years. Over the last century, hemp has become a controversial plant due to its association with marijuana. But do you really know what hemp is? It is not marijuana.

Hemp History

Field of Hemp

Although hemp and marijuana are often lumped in together as the same plant, their genus is the only thing that they share. They are both varieties of the cannabis sativa plant, but they are two very different plants. Hemp lacks the psychoactive effects of marijuana. Where marijuana usually has a tetrahydrocannabinol level – its main psychoactive constituent – between 10 and 20 percent, industrial hemp contains less than 0.3 percent.

Hemp has been part of agriculture for over 10,000 years. It also has a medicinal history that dates back to 2700 BCE when Chinese emperor Shen Nung was in power. Romans grew hemp for the production of clothing, rope and sails.

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